2015 February

Trinitarian Congregational Church of Concord, MA

We are pleased to announce our new organ project to be installed at the Trinitarian Congregational Church in Concord, MA. Opus #159 will be a tracker instrument of two manuals and twenty-five stops, located on the back balcony. The case will harmonize with the elegant building, which was designed in a classic New England style by the preeminent architect Harry Little.

Installation is planned for June 2016.
Senior Minister: The Reverend Dr. John Lombard
Music Director: Victoria Wagner



Bourdon 16′ Violin Diapason 8′ Violone 16′
Diapason 8′ Gedackt 8′ Stopt Bass 16′
Chimney Flute 8′ Celeste (TC) 8′ Cello 8′
Octave 4′ Prestant 4′ Stopt Flute 8′
Harmonic Flute 4′ Recorder 4′ Flute 4′
Fifteenth 2′ Quint 2 2/3′ Trombone 16′
Mixture IV 1 1/3′ Gemshorn 2′ Trumpet 8′
Tierce 1 3/5′
Mixture III 2′
Trumpet 8′ Great/ Pedal
Swell / Great Oboe 8′ Swell / Pedal
