2015 March

St. Anthony Church – Davenport, IA

St. Anthony Church in Davenport chose the Noack Organ Co. to replace their failing 1940 unified organ. The new organ, placed in the west gallery, will have two manuals and fourteen stops. It will be housed in a new case designed to fit the classical style of the church. The instrument will be entirely mechanical with an either/or drawstop action. This system, which often seems puzzling at first sight, is in fact a clever way to achieve a great deal of flexibility from limited resources. The manual divisions will be enclosed (except the Open Diapason 8′).

Installation is planned for early 2017.
Pastor: Father Apo T. Mpanda
Music Director: Kim Noftsker


Stop Manual I Manual II Pedal
1 Bourdon 16′
2 Open Diapason 8′
3 Violin Diapason 8′ Violin Diapason 8′
4 Stopped Diapason 8′ Stopped Diapason 8′
5 Principal 4′ Principal 4′
6 Recorder 4′ Recorder 4′
7 Gemshorn 2′ Gemshorn 2′
8 Cornet II 2 2/3′
9 Mixture IV 1 1/3′
10 Chamade (treble) 8′
11 Trumpet 8′
12 Subbass 16′
13 Open Bass 8′
14 Trombone 16′
