Chestnut Hill, MA
Church of the Redeemer
- 8 Principal
- 8 Chimney Flute
- 4 Octave
- 2 2/3 Twelfth
- 2 Fifteenth
- 1 3/5 Seventeenth
- IV Mixture
- 8 Trumpet
- 16 Bourdon
- 8 Diapason
- 8 Gedackt
- 8 Viola
- 8 Celeste
- 4 Principal
- 4 Harmonic Flute
- 2 Gemshorn
- II Sesquialtera
- IV Mixture
- 18 Bassoon
- 8 Cornopean
- 8 Oboe
- 8 Stopt Flute
- 4 Chimney Flute
- 2 Principal
- III Cornet
- 8 Cremona
- 16 Open Bass
- 16 Stopt Bass
- 8 Diapason
- 4 Octave
- 16 Trombone
- 8 Trumpet
- Swell / Great
- Swell / Choir
- Choir / Great
- Swell / Pedal
- Great / Pedal
- Choir / Pedal
The organ was housed in a deep chamber on the side of the chancel with an extra opening in the transept.
The instrument was reconditioned and installed with a new layout at St Paul’s Chapel Trinity Parish in New York City in 2017 (see opus list #161)