New York, NY

St Paul's Chapel, Trinity Church Wall Street

Opus 161


  1. 8' Principal
  2. 8' Chimney Flute
  3. 4' Octave
  4. 2 2/3' Twelfth
  5. 2' Fifteenth
  6. 1 3/5' Seventeenth
  7. IV Mixture
  8. 8' Trumpet
  1. 16' Bourdon
  2. 8' Diapason
  3. 8' Gedackt
  4. 8' Viola
  5. 8' Celeste c°
  6. 4' Principal
  7. 4' Harmonic Flute
  8. 2' Gemshorn
  9. II Sesquialtera
  10. IV Mixture
  11. 16' Bassoon
  12. 8' Cornopean
  13. 8' Oboe
  14. Tremolo
  1. 8' Stopt Flute
  2. 4' Chimney Flute
  3. 2' Principal
  4. III Cornet
  5. 8' Cremona
  1. 16' Violone
  2. 16' Stopt Bass
  3. 16' Bourdon (from Swell)
  4. 8' Open Bass
  5. 8' Stopt Flute
  6. 4' Octave
  7. 16' Trombone
  8. 16' Bassoon (from Swell)
  9. 8' Trumpet
  1. Swell/Great
  2. Choir/Great
  3. Swell/Choir
  4. Great/Pedal
  5. Choir/Pedal
  6. Swell/Pedal
  7. Swell/Pedal-4


Opus #111 (originally built for the Church of the Redeemer, Chestnut Hill, MA) was transferred into the historic 1802 Geib/England case of St Paul’s Chapel part of Trinity Parish, New York City.

The organ received extensive modifications and upgrades, including a new Swell enclosure and new Swell reeds. The console is now attached “en fenêtre”. The stoplist has remained very similar to the original one.

Temperament: Neidhardt’s “Kleine Stadt” 1732
