New Britain, CT
Sacred Heart Church
- 16' Principal
- 8' Principal
- 8' Viola
- 8' Harmonic Flute
- 8' Stopped Diapason
- 4' Octave
- 4' Open Flute
- 2 2/3' Twelfth
- 2' Fifteenth
- 1 1/3' Mixture IV
- 8' Trumpet
- 8' Chamade (tc)
- 16' Bourdon
- 8' Diapason
- 8' Gamba
- 8' Celeste
- 8' Gedackt
- 4' Prestant
- 4' Harmonic Flute
- 2' Flute
- 2 2/3' Cornet III
- 2' Mixture IV
- 16' Bassoon
- 8' Harmonic Trumpet
- 8' Oboe
- Tremulant
- 16' Contrabass
- 16' Subbass
- 16' Principal (GT)
- 16' Bourdon (SW)
- 8' Principal
- 8' Stopped Flute
- 4' Octave
- 16' Trombone
- 16' Bassoon (SW)
- 8' Trumpet
- Swell to Great
- Great to Pedal
- Swell to Pedal
- Zimbelstern