Houston, TX

St Mary's Seminary

Opus 169


  1. 16' Montre
  2. 8' Montre
  3. 8' Viole
  4. 8' Flûte harmonique
  5. 8' Bourdon
  6. 4' Prestant
  7. 4' Flûte à Cheminée
  8. 2 2/3' Quinte
  9. 2' Doublette
  10. 1 1/3' Plein-Jeu IV
  11. 16' Clarinette
  12. 8' Trompette
  1. 16' Bourdon
  2. 8' Diapason
  3. 8' Gambe
  4. 8' Cor de Nuit
  5. 8' Voix céleste
  6. 4' Principal
  7. 4' Flûte octaviante
  8. 2' Doublette
  9. 2' Flûte
  10. 2 2/3' Nazard
  11. 1 3/5' Tierce
  12. 1 1/3' Mixture III
  13. 16' Basson
  14. 8' Trompette
  15. 8' Basson-Hautbois
  16. Tremblant
  1. 16' Montre (from G-O)
  2. 16' Soubasse
  3. 16' Bourdon (from Récit)
  4. 8' Principal
  5. 8' Flûte bouchée
  6. 4' Octave
  7. 16' Bombarde
  8. 16' Basson (from Récit)
  9. 8' Trompette
  1. Récit / Grand-Orgue
  2. Récit / Grand-Orgue - 16
  3. Grand-Orgue / Pédale
  4. Récit / Pédale
  5. Récit / Pédale - 4


This generous two-manual has been installed on the rear gallery of the seminary’s chapel. The Chapel with its collegiate seating is an elegant building designed in the 1950s by architects Maurice and Charles Sullivan, cleverly combining a Romanesque envelope and some ornaments reminiscent of the Art Deco era. The new instrument is split in two symmetrical cases set on either side of the west rose window, with the enclosed Récit on the left hand side, and the Grand-Orgue and Pédale in the opposite case. The detached tracker console is set at the center, allowing the player to conduct easily a small schola. The new instrument is part of a larger renovation of the chapel that includes an improvement of the acoustics conducted by the Clayton Acoustics Group.
