Topsfield, MA

Trinity Episcopal Church

Opus 47


  1. 16 Quintadena
  2. 8 Principal
  3. 8 Spielflöte
  4. 4 Octave
  5. 4 Blockflöte
  6. 2 2/3 Nazard
  7. 2 Nachthorn
  8. 1 3/5 Tierce
  9. IV Mixture
  10. 8 Trumpet
  1. 8 Gedackt
  2. 4 Gemshorn
  3. 4 Rohrflöte
  4. 2 Principal
  5. 1 1/3 Larigot
  6. III Cymbal
  7. 8 Krummhorn
  1. 16 Subbass
  2. 8 Principal
  3. 8 Gedackt
  4. 4 Octave
  5. 4 Rohrpfeite
  6. IV Mixture
  7. 16 Posaune
  8. 8 Trumpet
  1. Positiv to Great
  2. Great to Pedal
  3. Positiv to Pedal


Detached keydesk

Mechanical key action

Electric drawstop action

