Milford, NH

Church of Our Saviour

Opus 59


  1. 8 Principal
  2. 8 Chimney Flute
  3. 4 Octave
  4. 4 Blockfloete
  5. II Sesquialtera
  6. IV Mixture
  7. 8 Trumpet
  1. 8 Gedackt
  2. 4 Koppelfloete
  3. 2 Principal
  4. 1 1/3 Quinte
  5. II Cymbal
  6. 8 Krumhorn
  1. 16 Bourdon
  2. 8 Principal
  3. 4 Choral Bass
  4. 16 Posaune
  1. Positive to Great
  2. Great to Pedal
  3. Positive to Pedal


Manual 56 notes

Pedal 32 notes

4 general combinations

Detached keydesk laid out to AGO recommended scales

Mechanical key action

Direct electric stop action

Slider windchests

Casework of oak

