Glen Ellyn, IL

Faith Lutheran Church

Opus 68


  1. 16' Pommer
  2. 8' Principal
  3. 8' Chimney Flute
  4. 4' Octave
  5. 4' Spielfloete
  6. 2' Nachthorn
  7. 2 2/3' Sesquialtera Ii
  8. 1 1/3' Mixture IV-VI
  9. 8' Trumpet
  1. 8' Gedackt
  2. 4' Praestant
  3. 4' Koppelfloete
  4. 2 2/3' Nazard
  5. 2' Octave
  6. 1 3/5' Tierce
  7. 1' Scharff V
  8. 8' Cromorne
  1. 16' Subbass
  2. 8' Open Bas
  3. 4' Choral Bass
  4. 2 2/3' Mixture IV
  5. 16' Bassoon
  6. 8' Trumpet
  1. Positive to Great
  2. Great to Pedal
  3. Positive to Pedal


Manual C-g'”

Pedal C-g’

Mechanical action

Detached keydesk

Case of solid oak

