Reedsburg, WI

St John's Lutheran Church

Opus 86


  1. 8' Principal
  2. 8' Chimney Flute
  3. 4' Octave
  4. 2' Superoctave
  5. 1 1/3' Mixture IV
  6. 8' Trumpet
  1. 8' Gedackt
  2. 4' Prestant
  3. 4' Koppelfloete
  4. 2' Gemshorn
  5. II Sesquialtera
  6. 1' Sharff III
  1. 16' Subbass
  2. 8' Principal
  3. 8' Trumpet
  1. Positive to Great
  2. Great to Pedal
  3. Tremulant
