Berkeley, CA
Alfred Hertz Memorial Concert Hall - University of California
- 16' Bourdon
- 8' Principal
- 8' Second Principal
- 8' Chimney Flute
- 4' Octave
- 4' Recorder
- 2 2/3' Twelfth
- 2' Fifteenth
- 1 3/5' Seventeenth
- IV-VI Mixture
- 8' Trumpet
- 4' Clarion
- 8' Gedackt
- 8' Quintadena
- 4' Prestant
- 2' Gemshorn
- II Sesquialtera
- III Sharp
- 16' Bassoon
- 8' Cremona
- 8' Stopt Flute
- 8' Viola
- 4' Violin
- 4' Chimney Flute
- 2' Principal
- 1 1/3' Quinte
- III Cornet
- 8' Hautbois
- 16' Contrabass
- 16' Stopt Bass
- 8' Open Bass
- 4' Choral Bass
- 16' Trombone
- 8' Trumpet
- 4' Trumpet
This organ was originally built for the Cathedral Church of St. John, Wilmington, Delaware. The University of California purchased the instrument after the closing of the Cathedral in 2012.